OBA Memorial Programs |
The Omaha Bar Association Memorial Program is held each year to honor those members of the bar association who have died within the year. Each departed attorney is listed in the programs (linked below) chronologically in order of their deaths. A red rose is given to each family at the memorial service.
The program is traditionally scheduled in May every year from 11:30 a.m. - Noon in the Legislative Chambers of the Omaha-Douglas Civic Center, 1819 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. The Barristers Club provides the ushers. The program is courtesy of The Daily Record.
If you are interested in serving on the Memorial Committee, please contact the OBA office.
2023 OBA Memorial Program / REMARKS OF SPEAKER
2019 OBA Memorial Program / REMARKS OF SPEAKER 2017 OBA Memorial Program / REMARKS OF SPEAKER 2016 OBA Memorial Program / REMARKS OF SPEAKER |
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