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Member Benefits

Benefits to Membership in the Omaha Bar Association

The Omaha Bar Association boasts a stable and active membership of over 1400 attorneys and judges. A large part of the stability of the membership of our voluntary bar association is the tremendous value provided to our members for the price of membership. The other equally important component is that we make it a priority that our members enjoy taking part in OBA events, spreading cordiality among the profession.

Social Events

From Fall Kickoff, to the October and November dinners, the Annual Wine Tasting, Field Day, Medical Legal Dinner, Young Lawyers Division Events like game watches and Pub Quizzes and more, the Omaha Bar Association calendar is full of social events that are great opportunities to put down the legal briefs and talk with fellow attorneys in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, a large contingent of the local judiciary can be found at most OBA events, and enjoy interaction with the bar members.

Free CLE

The OBA provides members with the opportunity to obtain all OBA CLE free of charge every year. Just the cost savings alone of picking up those CLE hours could cover your OBA membership dues.

Public Service

The Omaha Bar Association is dedicated to Public Service. A primary example of this dedication is the 50+ years of support to the Lawyer Referral Service. Other manifestations of this focus include the work of the Public Service Committee and the awarding of the public service awards every year at Law Day. The Young Lawyers Division is also creating more and more opportunities to give back in public service roles. Membership in the OBA supports these and other public service initiatives in the Omaha legal community.

Committee Involvement

Those OBA members who have become more involved the association by volunteering their time with OBA committees often say that being involved with a committee has been a great benefit to them. The relationships established and strengthened through work committees, as well as the satisfaction of giving back to the profession is very gratifying.

Online Community Engagement

The OBA understands that more and more interaction with members is moving online, and we are moving there as well. In addition to updating our website and membership database platform twice in the past two years, we have now launched "Online Group Forums" as a place for members to interact with one another, in a collaborative, member-only environment. From practice tips to lending libraries, the forums look to capture all the good information previously found in listservs, but without all the overwhelming of your email inbox. 

OBA Newsletter

Every OBA member receives a quarterly newsletter that keeps him or her fully advised on OBA members and OBA activities. The publication has very serious and important information such as which OBA members moved offices or received national recognition for their practice, as well as local Civil Jury Verdicts that keep everyone informed on how wise it is to go to trial. However, levity finds its way into the pages as well, with satirical portraits of esteemed colleagues and other hijinks.

In Other Words, as it Was Many Years Ago So Elegantly Stated: